- Both operating and application software are written in coding schemes called programming languages.
- There are many programming languages each with its own syntax(rule).
- Programming languages have evolved like hardware to become more efficient and powerful.
- The evolution of programming languages is typically discussed in generatrion.
First Generation Language
First generation language are machine language which requires the use of binary symbols(1's and 0's)\Second Generation Language
Second generation languages overcome the difficulty involved in programming ion binary by introducing special characters. Assembly language for low level of language(alpha).
Example of second generation languages include assembly language such as alpha, MIS.
Third Generation Language
Third generation languages continued the trend towards symbolic code and away from specifically instructing a computer how to complete an operation.Example include BASIC, COBOL, C and FORTRAN.
Fourth Generation Language
Fourth generation languages emphasize what type of output results are desired rather than how the programming statement are to be written.Object oriented(small tolk, java, C++, Delphi)
Object Oriented
Object Oriented language separates data and action into objects. These objects all inter relate to perform a certain tasks.Example include Java and C++
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