Friday, 5 October 2012

Software Issues and Trends

Since software is an important part of computer systems issues such as software bugs, licensing, upgrades and global support have received increased attention.

Software Bugs

A software bug is a defect in a computer program that keeps it from performing in the matter intended.
Some bugs are subtler and can go unnoticed until it is to late. An example is the denial of service attack on Yahoo! in 1999.

Open Source Software

Open source software is software that freely available to anyone in a form that can be easily modified
The example is My SQL and php.

A number of open source programs are available including Linux and Apache.

  • Costomisability
    • Everybody has the right to modify the source code, This means the code can be implemented in order pieces of software and adapted to changing environment
  • Quality
    • In general, open source software gets closest to what user want because those users can have a hand in making. Users and developers make what they want and they make high quality of source.
  • Cost 
    • Most current Open Source are available free of royalities
    • Individuals and smaller companies may aid in developing the software reducing number of programmers to pay the salaries.
  • No guarantee
    • It is impossible to know if a project will ever reach a suitable stage on time and even if it reaches, it may have many bugs or problems later and no one guarantees the software and nobody is bound to give you regular updates since it is free.
  • No support
    • Since it is free, there is no support even thought there are many helps available on the internet, the users have to have self-motivation to help them install and to run open software without any support.
  • Not reliable
    • Because the users can modify the source by themselves, the source could have some problems and may not be reliable.

Software Licensing

In general, software manufacturers want to license their software to lock in steady, predictable stream of revenue from customers.
Client should be aware of EULA.

EULA(End User License Agreement)

the type of license used for most software. An EULA is a legal contract between the manufacturer and/or the author and the end user of an application. The EULA details how the software can and cannot be used and any restrictions that the manufacturer imposes.
The contract between the licensor and purchaser, establishing the purchaser's right to use the software.

Software Upgrades

Software companies revise their programs and sell new versions periodically. In some cases the revised software offers new and valuable enhances.
Example of upgrades include service packs provide by Microsoft for their operating systems.

Global Software Support

Globalization has ensured that computer networks stretch to all corners of the earth. Software producers need to ensure they provide global support otherwise people will go to their competition instead.


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